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The American company Verivolt mainly provides high-quality electric energy sensors and provides solutions for electric energy related applications. Verivolt's family of sensors simplifies the design of electrical energy systems, especially diagnostic systems, control systems, and monitoring systems for electrical energy. More and more engineers and scientists in all walks of life around the world choose Verivolt sensors as their core testing methods and academic research. The products are mainly used in photovoltaic system monitoring, measuring signals from CTs and PTs, inverter testing and monitoring, three-phase motor monitoring, variable frequency motor bearing current monitoring.

VERIVOLT main products:

Connection accessories, voltage sensors, current sensors, isolation and protection

Main model:

IsoBlock V-4c, IsoBlock I-FG-4c, IsoBlock V-1c, IsoBlock I-FG-1c, IsoBlock I-ST-1c, Enforce HS, IsoBlock T-1c, IsoBlock C-4c, Entube TE, Entube DE- HB, Envoy DE, Envoy SC, IsoBlock Q-4c, Esol TE-MV, BNC-DSUB, V2I, Envoy AC-OC, Entube Z


Verivolt Website