首页 > 产品 > 连接器,互连器件 > 圆形连接器 - 外壳

圆形连接器 - 外壳

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Contact Size

Contact Type

Shell Finish

Housing Color


Connector Type

Fastening Type

Shell Material

Shell Size, MIL

Mounting Feature

Ingress Protection

Number of Positions

Shell Size - Insert

Material Flammability Rating


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $119

10+: $117.81

100+: $116.62

500+: $115.43

1000+: $114.24

Electronic point of sale (EPOS)

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

181 In Stock
For Male Pins MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Coupling Nut, Self Locking Shielded C Active 12 (4), 16 (9), 22D (40) Crimp Cadmium Olive Drab Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Aluminum - - Environment Resistant 53 23-54 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $84

10+: $83.16

100+: $82.32

500+: $81.48

1000+: $80.64


Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

8858 In Stock
For Female Sockets MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV - Shielded E Active 20 Crimp Electroless Nickel Silver Panel Mount Receptacle Housing Threaded Aluminum - Flange Environment Resistant 41 21-41 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $179

10+: $177.21

100+: $175.42

500+: $173.63

1000+: $171.84

Data storage

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

1739 In Stock
For Female Sockets MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Coupling Nut, Self Locking Shielded A Active 20 Crimp Durmalon™ - Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Aluminum - - Environment Resistant 53 23-53 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $91

10+: $90.09

100+: $89.18

500+: $88.27

1000+: $87.36

Power delivery

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

8918 In Stock
For Male Pins MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV - Shielded C Active 8 Coax Crimp Cadmium Olive Drab Panel Mount Receptacle Housing Threaded Aluminum - Flange Environment Resistant 4 (Coax) 21-75 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $109

10+: $107.91

100+: $106.82

500+: $105.73

1000+: $104.64

Building automation
Pro audio, video & signage

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

9909 In Stock
For Female Sockets MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Coupling Nut, Self Locking Shielded E Active 12 Crimp Electroless Nickel Silver Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Aluminum - - Environment Resistant 6 17-6 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $119

10+: $117.81

100+: $116.62

500+: $115.43

1000+: $114.24

Aerospace & defense
Grid infrastructure
Mobile phones

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

3703 In Stock
For Female Sockets MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV - Shielded B Active 22D Crimp Durmalon™ - Panel Mount Receptacle Housing Threaded Aluminum - Flange Environment Resistant 128 25-35 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $85

10+: $84.15

100+: $83.3

500+: $82.45

1000+: $81.6

Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)
Pro audio, video & signage
Home theater & entertainment

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

6013 In Stock
For Female Sockets MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Coupling Nut, Self Locking Shielded D Active 20 Crimp Cadmium Olive Drab Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Aluminum - - Environment Resistant 8 13-8 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $95

10+: $94.05

100+: $93.1

500+: $92.15

1000+: $91.2

Wireless infrastructure
Connected peripherals & printers

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

1178 In Stock
For Male Pins MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Coupling Nut, Self Locking Shielded E Active 20 Crimp Electroless Nickel Silver Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Aluminum - - Environment Resistant 19 15-19 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $246

10+: $243.54

100+: $241.08

500+: $238.62

1000+: $236.16

Data storage

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

7623 In Stock
For Female Sockets MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Coupling Nut, Self Locking Unshielded E Active 22D (97), 8 Twinax (2) Crimp Zinc Nickel Black Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Aluminum - - Environment Resistant 99 (97 + 2 Twinax) 25-7 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $71

10+: $70.29

100+: $69.58

500+: $68.87

1000+: $68.16

Hybrid, electric & powertrain systems

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

3819 In Stock
For Male Pins MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Coupling Nut, Self Locking Shielded B Active 16 Crimp Cadmium Olive Drab Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Aluminum - - Environment Resistant 5 15-5 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $148

10+: $146.52

100+: $145.04

500+: $143.56

1000+: $142.08

Aerospace & defense
Industrial transport (non-car & non-light truck)
Portable electronics

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

8757 In Stock
For Male Pins MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV - Unshielded N (Normal) Active 16 (8), 20 (48) Crimp Zinc Nickel Black Panel Mount Receptacle Housing Threaded Aluminum - Flange Environment Resistant 56 25-4 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $79

10+: $78.21

100+: $77.42

500+: $76.63

1000+: $75.84

Datacom module

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

5760 In Stock
For Female Sockets MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Coupling Nut, Self Locking Shielded D Active 22D Crimp Electroless Nickel Silver Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Aluminum - - Environment Resistant 22 13-35 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $185

10+: $183.15

100+: $181.3

500+: $179.45

1000+: $177.6

Enterprise machine

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

6257 In Stock
For Male Pins MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ HD Coupling Nut Unshielded C Active 23 Crimp Zinc Nickel Black Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Aluminum - - Environment Resistant 121 21-121 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $157

10+: $155.43

100+: $153.86

500+: $152.29

1000+: $150.72

Aerospace & defense
Grid infrastructure
PC & notebooks

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

7258 In Stock
For Male Pins MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Coupling Nut, Firewall Usage, Self Locking Shielded B Active 22D Crimp Passivated Silver Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Stainless Steel - - Environment Resistant 13 11-35 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $155

10+: $153.45

100+: $151.9

500+: $150.35

1000+: $148.8

Building automation
Power delivery

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

264 In Stock
For Female Sockets MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV - Shielded A Active 20 Crimp Durmalon™ - Panel Mount Receptacle Housing Threaded Aluminum - Bulkhead - Front Side Nut Environment Resistant 61 25-61 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $263

10+: $260.37

100+: $257.74

500+: $255.11

1000+: $252.48

Grid infrastructure

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

1812 In Stock
For Male Pins MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Firewall Usage Shielded N (Normal) Active 20 Crimp Passivated Silver Panel Mount Receptacle Housing Threaded Stainless Steel - Bulkhead - Front Side Nut Environment Resistant 53 23-53 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $96

10+: $95.04

100+: $94.08

500+: $93.12

1000+: $92.16

Wearables (non-medical)

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

3414 In Stock
For Male Pins MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Coupling Nut, Self Locking Shielded C Active 8 Coax Crimp Electroless Nickel Silver Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Aluminum - - Environment Resistant 4 (Coax) 21-75 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $89

10+: $88.11

100+: $87.22

500+: $86.33

1000+: $85.44

Aerospace & defense

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

2849 In Stock
For Male Pins MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Coupling Nut, Self Locking Shielded E Active 22D Crimp Electroless Nickel Silver Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Aluminum - - Environment Resistant 37 15-35 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $197

10+: $195.03

100+: $193.06

500+: $191.09

1000+: $189.12

PC & notebooks

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

1435 In Stock
For Male Pins MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ HD Coupling Nut Unshielded A Active 23 Crimp Zinc Nickel Black Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Aluminum - - Environment Resistant 187 25-187 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $214

10+: $211.86

100+: $209.72

500+: $207.58

1000+: $205.44

Industrial transport (non-car & non-light truck)
PC & notebooks

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

9522 In Stock
For Female Sockets MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Firewall Usage Shielded N (Normal) Active 16 Crimp Passivated Silver Panel Mount Receptacle Housing Threaded Stainless Steel - Bulkhead - Front Side Nut Environment Resistant 5 15-5 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $382

10+: $378.18

100+: $374.36

500+: $370.54

1000+: $366.72

Broadband fixed line access
Portable electronics

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

947 In Stock
For Female Sockets MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Firewall Usage Shielded A Active 22D (97), 8 Quadrax (2) Crimp Passivated Silver Panel Mount Receptacle Housing Threaded Stainless Steel - Flange Environment Resistant 99 (97 + 2 Quadrax) 25-7 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $172

10+: $170.28

100+: $168.56

500+: $166.84

1000+: $165.12

Wired networking
Motor drives
Mobile phones

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

4714 In Stock
For Male Pins MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Coupling Nut, Self Locking Unshielded A Active 16 (2), 20 (37) Crimp Nickel Silver Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Stainless Steel - - Environment Resistant 39 21-39 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $156

10+: $154.44

100+: $152.88

500+: $151.32

1000+: $149.76

Connected peripherals & printers

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

5958 In Stock
For Female Sockets MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV Coupling Nut, Self Locking Shielded N (Normal) Active 22D Crimp Durmalon™ - Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Aluminum - - Environment Resistant 128 25-35 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $142

10+: $140.58

100+: $139.16

500+: $137.74

1000+: $136.32

Factory automation & control
Mobile phones

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

5032 In Stock
For Female Sockets MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV - Shielded N (Normal) Active 22D Crimp Durmalon™ - Panel Mount Receptacle Housing Threaded Aluminum - Bulkhead - Front Side Nut Environment Resistant 128 25-35 -


(Alternative models available)

Amphenol Aerospace Operations

1+: $133

10+: $131.67

100+: $130.34

500+: $129.01

1000+: $127.68

Enterprise projectors

Products:连接器,互连器件--圆形连接器 - 外壳

Manufacturers: Amphenol Aerospace Operations.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

7701 In Stock
For Male Pins MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, Tri-Start™ TV - Coupling Nut, Self Locking Shielded A Active 12 (12), 16 (12) Crimp Electroless Nickel Silver Free Hanging (In-Line) Plug Housing Threaded Aluminum - - Environment Resistant 24 25-24 -