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图片 零件编号 制造商 数据表 价格(美元) 应用 产品分类 备注 包装 数量
1SF26-L136-00C-100 (RC)

1SF26-L136-00C-100 (RC)

(Alternative models available)

3M Datasheet is the technical data form of the product, which generally exists in PDF format or docx format.

(1SF26-L136-00C-100 (RC).PDF,
1SF26-L136-00C-100 (RC).docx,
1SF26-L136-00C-100 (RC).zip)

1+: $190

10+: $188.1

100+: $186.2

500+: $184.3

1000+: $182.4

Connected peripherals & printers
Broadband fixed line access
Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)

Products:电缆组件--D 形,并口电缆

Manufacturers: 3M.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

Bag 9054 In Stock