Image Part Number Manufacturer Datasheet Pricing(USD) Applications Products Category Remark Package Qty Series Part Status Type Intended Chipset Chipset Manufacturer Voltage - Primary Voltage - Auxiliary Voltage - Isolation Inductance @ Frequency Frequency Operating Temperature Mounting Type Size / Dimension Height - Seated (Max) Footprint Style Accessory Type For Use With/Related Products Compare
1301860418 1301860418

(Alternative models available)

Woodhead - Molex Datasheet is the technical data form of the product, which generally exists in PDF format or docx format.


1+: $39

10+: $38.61

100+: $38.22

500+: $37.83

1000+: $37.44

Wireless infrastructure
Data storage


Manufacturers: Woodhead - Molex.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

1009 In Stock * Active - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Compare
WSE4SL-3P2237V WSE4SL-3P2237V

(Alternative models available)

SICK Datasheet is the technical data form of the product, which generally exists in PDF format or docx format.


1+: $501

10+: $495.99

100+: $490.98

500+: $485.97

1000+: $480.96

Grid infrastructure
Portable electronics

Products:传感器,变送器--光学传感器 - 光电,工业

Manufacturers: SICK.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

4193 In Stock W4SL-3V Active - - - - - - - - -10°C ~ 50°C (TA) - - - - - - - Compare

(Alternative models available)

Banner Engineering Datasheet is the technical data form of the product, which generally exists in PDF format or docx format.


1+: $64

10+: $63.36

100+: $62.72

500+: $62.08

1000+: $61.44

Wireless infrastructure
Home theater & entertainment

Products:传感器,变送器--光学传感器 - 光电,工业

Manufacturers: Banner Engineering.
omoelec is one of the Distributors.
Wide range of applications.

Box 7462 In Stock T30 Active - - - - - - - - -40°C ~ 70°C - - - - - - - Compare
  • 1301860418
  • WSE4SL-3P2237V
  • T30SN6R